Yoga in the Canadian Rockies

Ah, what a day. To kick the day off we started with a massive candy bag from the closest gas station. We then road tripped to the mountains where we couldn’t see much because of the local wildfires however, we made it work. I didn’t have much to expect because one, I’ve never photographed something of this sort and two, I had no idea what Sid would do!

When I think about it now, this is the first and maybe the only time I didn’t pose anyone, or tell them what angle I was shooting from, or adjust their hair or their cute outfit. This was one where I observed and created something from what Sid naturally felt she should do. Where I worked solely with what I was given. And luckily enough, I was given real and genuine moments.

THIS is what photography should be about people!!! None of this awkward posing and forced smiles. More of this intuitive approach to understanding and creating something from another’s passion. I want more of this REAL stuff. I feel as though I captured real moment with real feelings and real energy. This moment I have captured will tell stories for years to come. It show honest and genuine feelings of the subject and environment. Everything I believe photography should be about.